We all take pride in where we live, and there are many reasons why we should all be proud of Ealing Southall. Part of this pride includes caring for our local environment. We are all environmentally aware and understand the problems associated with global warming and climate change. However, sometimes people can forget that improving the environment must be a job for the individual, as well as the government. This blog will outline some problems in our local community, as well as the world more generally, and discuss some ways in which we can all try to improve our great community.


We’ll be looking at:

  1. Surprising statistics and consequences of littering in Ealing Southall and Worldwide
  2. Consequences
  3. Reasons behind why people do it
  4. And most importantly – how to stop it / prevent it / reduce it

Ealing Southall Statistics:

  • Over 1000 investigations into incidents of fly tipping
  • 30 warning letters issued to residents and businesses
  • 3 Penalties issued to businesses for breaking the law at £300 each
  • 226 Litter penalties issued at 150 each
  • 2 Fly tipping by businesses issued at £400 each

These statistics show that individuals must play a role in changing their behaviour to better the environment and our community. Moreover, businesses must also ensure they are thinking about the community they serve. There are many problems caused due to these negative actions: the safety of animals in the area; local people tripping over the larger items that have been illegally tipped; the smell that litter can produce. If Southall is to maintain, or even improve its reputation as a great place to live, then all residents should take pride in the area and try to ensure it is litter-free.

Now let’s look on a global scale…

Worldwide statistics:

  • 9 billion tons of litter ends up in the ocean every year
  • $11.5 billion is spent every year to clean up litter
  • According to national study, most people who would deliberately litter are those between 18-34 years old
  • Many animals die because of littering, 1 million birds, and 100,000 sea animals are killed due to being trapped or eating litter that is mistaken for food

This is a very serious matter that will have not only a knock-on effect, for future generations, but will also backfire towards us when we lack economic growth and struggle to live in a safe environment. The Planet is our home. We live on it and therefore have the responsibility to take care of it with respect. Of course, the local and central governments have a role to play in cleaning up the environment, but individuals also need to do their bit.


What to do to prevent it and reduce it?

YOU can:

  • Hold onto your rubbish until you find the nearest bin (nowadays there are bins everywhere) and if you can’t carry it, place it in your bag until you find one
  • If you accidentally drop rubbish, please pick it up
  • If you see someone drop rubbish whether it be accidentally or on purpose, inform them about it
  • Raise more awareness of littering and its consequences, you can: organise litter picking events, mention it to the council, make posters, write blogs – anything you can do to raise awareness and discuss the matter.

Other actions:

  • If businesses are more environmentally friendly, they will receive a more positive response from an ever-increasing environmentally conscious market of consumers
  • The local council can take measures to ensure that our streets are litter free. Such as their recently introduced strict fly tipping rules
  • More bins available around the area so there is easier access for people to put rubbish in the bin
  • Raise the pay for cleaners or those working for the council collecting bins, to show the importance of the job they do
  • Hold competitions to encourage and convince others to clean up their area
  • Ensure that schools are teaching students about the dangers of littering and the impact it can have on the environment

A vital lesson must be learnt here, and actions need to be taken to ensure our wonderful community stays litter free. The council try to help keep the area clean where they can, and the local MP, Virendra Sharma, often holds litter picking events around his constituency. But ultimately it is residents who must do their very best to ensure that they are not littering and are keeping the area clean and tidy. Please help both current and future generations make this possible, to have a happier and healthier community.

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